Dry eye treatment girl eye okc dr. miranda

Dry Eyes


Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when the amount and quality of tears are insufficient, leading to itching, redness and pain from dry spots on the surface of the eye. The eyes may become dry and irritated because the tear glands don’t produce enough tears, or because of a imbalance in tear production.

Dry eyes is known by many names including, keratitis or Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), xerophthalmia, Dry Eye Syndrome (DES), or simply dry eyes. Contributing causes include exposure to environmental irritants, injuries to the eyes, blepharitis and some general health conditions, like arthritis and diabetes.

Dry eye syndrome is more common, in the older population, particularly in women during and after menopause, due to a decrease or change in hormone levels. Medications can also be a factor, like antihistamines and decongestants, some blood pressure medication, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication.

Systemic diseases that can contribute to dry eye problems, includes: thyroid problems, Sjorgrens syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders (i.e. Lupus) and myasthenia gravis. Environmental factors can contribute to dry eyes as well, such as computer use including tablets, laptops or smart phones. 

How is Dry Eye Treated?

Dr. Miranda may prescribe one or more of the following as dry eye treatment:

  • Artificial tears or gel supplements and lubricating ointment as supplements
  • Temporary or permanent punctal plugs
  • Prescription medication (Restasis) for chronic, moderate to severe dry eyes
Dry eye treatment girl eye okc dr. miranda

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eye?

The severity and symptoms of dry eye vary from person to person. There are three degrees of dryness: mild, moderate, and severe. The most common symptom of dry eye  is blurred vision. Other symptoms of dry eye include: redness, burning, itching, scratchiness, tearing, sensitivity to light and mucus secretion.

    What Can I Do To Prevent Dry Eye?

    There are certain steps patients can take to prevent the symptoms of dry eye from occurring, which is especially useful for those at an increased risk of developing symptoms. Dry eye treatment combined with simple lifestyle modifications such as using artificial tears, wearing protective glasses on windy days, giving your eyes a break during reading or other strenuous tasks can effectively reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms.

    If you are suffering from the symptoms of Dry Eye, we can help.

    If you would like more information about Dry Eye or to schedule an appointment, feel free to fill out our convenient contact form or call us directly at 405.602.0002.